Getting to Know Yourself Quiz
Good social skills are important for everyone – not just people with visible differences. It helps us make friends, talk to shopkeepers, family and other people.
To improve your skills you need to get to know yourself a bit better – this is called self-awareness. You need to take time to think about what skills you use now and think if they can be improved.

Richard speaks about his own experiences of counselling and the importance of self-awareness:
Its nice if you do get that moment of illumination of “Oh my god, I do that and that’s making me feel like this!”.
Think about your social skills
What’s your posture like (are you standing tall or are you hunched up)?
Do you look them in the eye or do you look at the floor?
What gestures do you use?
Are any of these skills a problem for you? Below is a quiz to test your social skills.
Remember the quiz is for you. It’s to help you and to give you feedback on what you can do to improve. When you’ve completed it you’ll get a score and advice about what your score means.
If your score is low please don’t be disappointed. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t using positive social skills yet, it’s more important that you know that you can change them, and if you’re prepared to do that, you’re well on the way to success!
Getting to Know yourself
Below are a list of activities that tell us about your communication skills. Please read them and tick a box to show how good you think you are at doing the activities.
1 = Poor | 2 = Fairly poor | 3 = Sometimes good | 4 = Almost always good | 5 = Always good
If you scored between 23 and 53 your social skills could be improved. By going through Face IT you’ll learn to improve you social skills.
If you scored between 54 and 84 your social skills are good, but could do with some improvement. Face IT will be useful to improve your social skills.
If you scored 85 or over you have good social skills. This is an area that you already feel very confident with. You clearly aren’t experiencing any difficulties, but Face-it may still provide you with some useful hints and tips.
Thank you for completing all the questions. They will help you to identify problem areas you need to work on.
Congratulations you’ve completed the quiz for Session 2!
In the final session of this program you’ll have a chance to go back over these questions and see whether there has been any improvement.