Negative Thoughts Quiz

It would be helpful for you to look at your own thought patterns. The purpose of this quiz is to give you some idea of how negative your thoughts tend to be.Once you have completed the quiz, you’ll receive a score and feedback about what your score means.

Negative Thoughts Quiz

Remember if your score is high please don’t be disheartened. It doesn’t matter if you have negative thoughts, it’s more important to try and change them. If you are prepared to do that, then you are well on the way to success!

Below are some common negative thoughts.

Please read each sentence carefully and then report how often those thoughts have crossed your mind during the past week, using the scale provided.

Show me my scoring on Negative Thoughts Quiz
  • If you scored between 8-13 you have low levels of negative thinking. This is an area that you feel confident with. You’re not experiencing any difficulties, but the following pages may still give you some useful hints and tips to stay positive.
  • If you scored between 14-29 you have average levels of negative thinking. This indicates that you experience some trouble with negative thoughts, but no more than many other people. The following pages can give you some useful hints and tips to help you think more positively.
  • If you scored 29 or over you have high levels of negative thinking. If your score fell in this range, you’re thinking very negatively about yourself and your present situation. By going through the following pages you’ll learn to think more positively, which will help you to feel more confident and happy.

1 = Not at all | 2 = Sometimes | 3 = Fairly often | 4 = Often | 5 = All the time

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