Today we’re talking about anxiety and how it makes you feel. We’ll look at how you can control your anxiety and overcome your fears.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is when we feel stressed, worried or uptight. Anxiety is completely normal and something everyone feels from time to time.

Why do we feel anxious?

Anxiety is the body’s natural defence mechanism designed to help us to cope with things that make us feel threatened.

When we were still living in small tribes early in human history, the sorts of things that would have scared us would have been predatory animals (like lions) or other humans that were invading our territory.

When these kinds of threats occurred, a system in our bodies called the Fight or Flight response kicked in. This system provides us with plenty of adrenaline and energy so that we can either fight the ‘lion’ or ‘enemy’, or run away from it.

These days we don’t tend to find ourselves in situations where the Fight or Flight response is that useful, but the same system still responds every time we come across something that makes us feel nervous or threatened.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?




Fast Heart



Shortness of

Think back to a time when you last felt anxious, perhaps you felt threatened because you had to drive to somewhere you didn’t know, or were starting a new job, or felt people were looking at you? Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?

Title: My Anxiety Symptoms
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