In session 1 you were asked to fill out a series of questions designed to rate how well you were coping (or dealing with) with your appearance. In the next part of this session, we’re going to look back at your coping so that you can see whether you’ve made any progress since the Session 1.

If you find that there’s no difference between your scores this time and at the beginning of Face IT, please don’t worry. Some people take longer to work through their difficulties than others.

And don’t worry if your scores are more negative this time. Coping with your appearance isn’t an easy thing. Some days are worse than others. More negative scores doesn’t mean you haven’t made progress, it may just mean other experiences (maybe you’ve got other things in your life that are difficult) have made you feel more negative today.

Remember, you don’t have to answer the questions and you can feel free to miss answers out. But if you miss out questions the score that you’ll be given and your feedback won’t be as accurate.

1. Anxiety

The question below asks you to rate your anxiety levels on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not anxious at all and 10 is really very anxious.

Take some time to really think about the kind of person you are and whether you often experience anxiety.

1 = Not anxious at all | 10 = Very anxious

  • Do you get worried or anxious when you meet people or go out to public places?
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Show me my scoring on Anxiety

If you scored between 1-3 you have low anxiety. If you rated your anxiety from 1-3, it’s unlikely that this is causing you a problem – good news!

If you scored between 4-7 you have slightly high levels of anxiety. This shows that you still have some difficulties in this area. Try practising the techniques Face IT has taught you at home. Alternatively try the program again if you think you need more help.

If you scored 8 or over you have high levels of anxiety. This is an area that’s still causing you difficulty. Remember it’s still early days and the techniques require time and a lot of practice to work. You could try the sections of the program again to help give you more support. Or you should speak to your family or GP to get more help. You can always come back to Face IT later.

2. Feeling Depressed

The question below asks you to rate how depressed (sad) you feel on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not depressed at all and 10 is really very depressed.

Take some time to really think about the kind of person you are and whether you often experience a depressed or low mood because of the way you look.

1 = Not depressed at all | 10 = Very depressed

  • Do you feel depressed because of your appearance?
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Show me my scoring on Feeling Depressed

If you scored between 1-3 you’re feeling OK. If you rated your feelings of depression from 1-3, it’s unlikely that this is causing you a problem – good news!

If you scored between 4-7 you’re feeling quite depressed. Try practising the techniques Face IT has taught you at home. Or try the program again if you think you need more help.

If you scored 8 or over you’re feeling very depressed. This is an area that’s still causing you difficulty. Remember it’s still early days and the techniques require time and a lot of practice to work. You could try the sections of the program again to help give you more support. Or you could speak to your family or GP to get more help. You can always come back to Face IT later.

3. Appearance

The questions below ask you to rate your feelings about your appearance on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not at all bothered and 10 is very concerned.

Take some time to really think about the kind of person you are and whether you often feel bothered about your appearance.

1 = Not at all | 10 = Very much

  • Are you bothered about the way you look?
  • Do other people notice your visible difference?
  • Have you experienced negative reactions from others because of how you look?
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Show me my scoring on Appearance

If you scored from 1-10 you have low appearance-related concerns.If you rated your appearance concerns from 1-10, it’s unlikely that this is causing you a problem – good news!

If you scored between 11-20 you have slightly high levels of appearance concerns. Try practising the techniques Face IT has taught you at home. Or try the program again if you think you need more help.

If you scored 21 or over you have high levels of appearance concerns. This is an area that’s still causing you difficulty. Remember it’s still early days and the techniques require time and a lot of practice to work. You could try the sections of the program again to help give you more support. Or you could speak to your family or GP to get more help You can always come back to Face IT later.

4. Socialising

The question below asks you to rate your difficulties socialising (meeting and talking) with other people on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not really any problems at all and 10 is very severe problems indeed.

1 = Not at all | 10 = Really very much

  • Do you have problems socialising with other people?
  • Do you feel worried or nervous about going out?
  • Do you feel left out by other people?
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Show me my scoring on Socialising

If you scored between 1-10, this shows that it is unlikely that socialising with people is causing you a problem – good news.

If you scored between 11-20, this shows that you have some difficulty socialising. Try practising the techniques Face IT has taught you at home. Alternatively try the program again if you think you need more help.

If you scored 21 or over, this is an area that’s still causing you difficulty. Remember it’s still early days and the techniques require time and a lot of practice to work. You could try sections of Face IT again to help give you more support or you could speak to your family or GP to get more help. You can always come back to Face IT later.

You’ve finished Face IT

This is now the end of the program

Thank you for taking the time to work through Face IT and we hope that you have found it worthwhile.

On the next page, there is a final feedback questionnaire to see how you found the program overall. Even if you haven’t filled out the other feedback questionnaires, please take the time to fill out this one.

We can only make Face IT useful to people in the future, if you tell us what you think of it, what things you liked about it and what things we need to change. Therefore, it’s important that we have your views and for you to be as honest as you can with your feedback.

As well as a feedback questionnaire, there is also a comments box for you to write about how you’ve found Face IT.