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University of Plymouth, Face IT@Home video live on YouTube!

A huge thank you to University of Plymouth for producing this video looking at the design and use of FaceIT@Home for adults with visible differences

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November is Mouth Cancer Action Month. Mouth cancer can impact on appearance. Here at FaceIT we can help with the psychological distress of a change in appearance:

Mouth Cancer Awareness Video

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Would you like to join a group of other people with visible differences? Or are you a friend or family member of someone with a visibvle difference and would like to know more about how to support your loved?

We run monthly online support groups consisting of informal chats about elements of FaceIT@Home and all things appearance-related.

You are welcome to join our next FaceIT@HomeTogether session by checking our Facebook site  here .

Experiences with FaceIT@Home

FaceIT@home is a fantastic tool designed to support adults with visible differences. In this first video on YouTube, the lovely Naomi Milward talks about her experiences of facial scarring as a result of a car accident and how she become involved with FaceIT@home:

In 2012 The Centre for Appearance research at the University of the West of England (UWE), […]